What is a CO2 laser?
CO2 laser is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas and a laser. This procedure aims to remove scars, warts, and deep skin wrinkles.
Carbon dioxide gas is the medium used to produce laser light. The medium works by multiplying the light with a certain wavelength that passes through it.
The laser beam will emit light with a certain wavelength, which can generate heat and destroy damaged skin cells.
The results of the CO2 laser procedure are quite effective in treating various skin disorders according to the cause. This medical procedure has a short recovery time and complications are quite rare.
Why is CO2 laser necessary?
The CO2 laser is an ablation type laser. This type of laser works by lifting the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heating the layer of skin underneath (dermis).
This process will stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers in the skin. These fibers can help the growth of new skin tissue that is softer, brighter and tighter.
This procedure has several advantages over other procedures for treating certain skin disorders. These advantages include:
• More accurate handling of damaged skin tissue
• Lower costs
• More non-invasive than dermabrasion procedures and chemical peels
• Faster recovery time, which is about two weeks
Who needs a CO2 laser?
CO2 laser procedures can be performed on people with skin disorders in the form of:
• Wrinkles
• Dark spots on the skin due to age
• Enlarged oil glands in the nose area
• Uneven skin texture and tone
• Mild to moderate acne scars
• Skin damaged by sun exposure
• Large skin pores
• Darkening of the skin color (hyperpigmentation)
Apart from these skin conditions, this medical procedure can also be recommended for patients who experience a number of skin disorders below:
• Seborrheic keratosis
• Veruka vulgaris or veruka plana
• Enlarged sebaceous (oil) glands
• Angiofibromas
• Nevus or mole
• Lentigines simplex
• Small syringoma
• Melasma of the epidermis
• Rhinophyma
• Cysts, tumors or nodules on the vocal cords
What are the preparations to undergo CO2 laser?
The patient’s skin needs to be prepared in advance. The goal is to increase skin tolerance to the procedure and reduce the risk of side effects from CO2 lasers.
Preparation is done several weeks before the procedure with a series of steps below:
What do you need to pay attention to after CO2 laser?
After the CO2 laser, the patient’s skin will experience swelling, itching, and redness. The doctor will apply a thick ointment to the skin and cover it with a waterproof or airtight bandage.
Patients will also be given pain relievers and taught how to use cold compresses at the procedure site.
A new layer of skin will usually form within two weeks. During this recovery time, patients are advised to:
• Do not use products that can irritate the skin, such as cosmetics and sunscreen
• Avoiding activities that may increase the risk of infection, such as swimming
What are the complications of CO2 laser?
Just like any other medical procedure, CO2 laser also has a number of complications. Some of these side effects are generally temporary and can go away on their own or with the help of drugs.
Some of these complications include:
• Swelling
• Redness (erythema)
• Itching (pruritus)
• The appearance of pimples
• Infection
• Contact dermatitis
In addition, the following more serious complications can occur:
• Hypopigmentation, namely the loss of skin pigment so that it is lighter in color than the surrounding skin
• Appears lines on the skin
• Scars and keloids
• Injury to the tooth enamel
• Injury to the eye
• Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation